Responsible investing

    All our investments are underpinned by a robust responsible investment policy.

    Investing responsibly by investing wisely

    Fisher Funds is committed to investing your money responsibly. Responsible investing is not just the right thing to do but also the wise thing. Our robust responsible investment policy helps us select companies that are sustainable from an environmental and social as well as a financial perspective.

    Fisher Funds Responsible Investment Policy

    Responsible Investing at Fisher Funds

    Watch Senior Portfolio Manager, Robbie Urquhart explain how Fisher Funds approaches Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations. 

    A three-pronged approach.

    1. Avoid the bad

    We will not invest in companies that produce goods or services that can’t be used responsibly or that cause widespread harm.

    This means we won't invest in companies: 

    • That produce core components or systems used in weapons. This includes, but is not limited to, cluster munitions, landmines, chemical and nuclear weapons. 

    • That own proved or probable fossil fuel reserves and revenue share from exploration and extraction of fossil fuels, excluding metallurgical coal, of 15% or more; or has its primary business activity in any of the following subsectors: integrated oil and gas, crude oil producers, offshore drilling and other services, oil and gas equipment and services, oil and gas drilling, oil and gas exploration and production, coal (excluding metallurgical coal) and consumable fuels. 

    • That manufacture cigarettes (including e-cigarettes), or other tobacco related products. 

    • Where their core business includes operating gambling establishments, or the manufacture of specialised hardware or software used exclusively for gambling. 

    • Involved in the hunting of whales and the processing of whale meat. 

    • That have exhibited unacceptable corporate behaviour and that we regard as a fundamental breakdown of the integrity of the business. This includes but is not limited to human rights abuses, and abuse and degradation of the environment.

    Excluded companies

    2. Embrace the good 

    Once we have avoided the bad, we then seek to embrace the good. 

    A key element in our in-depth company research process is a thorough understanding of how a company works with its stakeholders, how it treats the environment and how it manages its governance responsibilities.  

    Our own research is supplemented with insights from leading global ESG data providers, giving us a 360-degree view of a firm and its impact on the community. 

    Viewing a company through this lens helps us make better investment decisions and results in portfolios that we can all be proud to own. 

    3. Promote Change 

    The third element in our responsible investing process is promoting change within companies where we have a direct relationship. 

    To promote positive change we can use our voting rights as shareholders and leverage our relationship with companies to uphold our ESG standards. 

    Proxy Voting

    Fisher Funds believe that there is a strong link between good governance and financial returns. By actively voting Fisher Funds can support management through positive votes and work with management and vote accordingly on disadvantageous corporate policies. By adopting high standards in relation to corporate governance and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors, companies can avoid potential damage and therefore enhance and improve the long-term wealth creation for their shareholders.

    View our Proxy Voting Dashboard

    Fisher Funds Proxy Voting Policy

    Principles for Responsible Investment

    We are a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment and have a Responsible Investing Policy that touches on every element of our investment process.

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