Forms & Documents for
    Fisher Funds Investment Series

    Product Disclosure Statement
    Investment Series Product Disclosure Statement
    Quarterly Fund Updates
    December 2023
    BondPlus Fund Update December 2023
    CashPlus Fund Update December 2023
    Global Fund Update December 2023
    New Zealand Fixed Income Trust Fund Update December 2023
    Trans Tasman Equity Trust Fund Update December 2023
    Investment Series Direct Debit Authority Form
    Direct Debit Amendment/Cancellation Form
    Investment Series Investment Switch Form
    Investment Series Withdrawal Request Form
    Investment Series Entity Withdrawal Request Form
    Prescribed Investor Rate (PIR) Form
    Additional Account Owner or Signatory Form
    Appointment of Financial Adviser Form
    Deceased Member Withdrawal Form (Non-KiwiSaver)
    Third Party Access Request Form
    Certificate of Non-revocation
    Annual Reports
    Investment Series Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2023
    Investment Series Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2023
    Other Material Information
    Fisher Funds Investment Series Other Material Information
    Governing Document
    Fisher Funds Investment Series Governing Document
    Fisher Funds Investment Series SIPO