Forms & Documents for
    Fisher Funds LifeSaver Plan

    Product Disclosure Statement
    LifeSaver Plan Product Disclosure Statement
    Quarterly Fund Updates
    December 2023
    LifeSaver Plan Preservation Fund Update December 2023
    LifeSaver Plan New Zealand Fixed Income Fund Update December 2023
    LifeSaver Plan Conservative Fund Update December 2023
    LifeSaver Plan Balanced Fund Update December 2023
    LifeSaver Plan Growth Fund Update December 2023
    LifeSaver Plan Equity Fund Update December 2023
    LifeSaver Plan Trans Tasman Equity Fund Update December 2023
    LifeSaver Plan Direct Debit Authority Form
    Direct Debit Amendment/Cancellation Form
    LifeSaver Plan Investment Switch Form
    LifeSaver Plan Withdrawal Request Form
    LifeSaver Plan First Home Withdrawal Form
    LifeSaver Plan NZRDA – Location Transfer Form
    LifeSaver Plan Employer Authorised Signatories Form
    Prescribed Investor Rate (PIR) Form
    Appointment of Financial Adviser Form
    Third Party Access Request Form
    Certificate of Non-revocation
    Annual Reports
    LifeSaver Plan Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2023
    LifeSaver Plan Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2023
    Other Material Information
    Fisher Funds LifeSaver Plan Other Material Information
    Governing Document
    Fisher Funds LifeSaver Plan Governing Document
    Fisher Funds LifeSaver Plan SIPO